John A. Gibson, Jr. Masonic Member Profile
I wrote the Masonic Grand Lodge of Nebraska in Lincoln inquiring for any information pertaining to our family’s history with Freemasonry. John A. “Bud” Gibson, Jr. was a freemason for 20 years, and also served as Master of the Mullen Lodge No. 282 in 1964.
John A. Gibson, Sr. Masonic Member Profile
I wrote the Masonic Grand Lodge of Nebraska in Lincoln inquiring for any information pertaining to our family’s history with Freemasonry. John A. Gibson, Sr. was a freemason for 46 years as a member of the Mullen Lodge No. 282.
Skjelver-Wilson Nuptials Solemnized At Smith Center
Miss Bonnie Skjelver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Skjelver, of Inavale became the bride of Johnny R. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Con Wilson of Inavale, on Saturday, October 3rd, at 1:00 in the Methodist parsonage at Smith Center, Kansas.
Rev. Frey of Smith Center performed the single ring ceremony.
The bride was lovely in a dark brown street dress, with matching accessories. The groom had on a dark brown suit. They were attended by Edna Wilson, sister of the groom, and James Richardson, both dressed in blue.
Both of these young people are well and favorably known in the county, both being graduates of the Red Cloud high school, the bride with the class of ’40, and the groom with the class of ’36. The bride has taught two successful years of school at District 40 and at present is teaching District 41. The groom has farmed in partnership with his brothers since his graduation and will remain there until he is called for army service.
John Wilsons Cited by Soil District
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Inavale won the 1958 Soil Conservation District Honor Farm Family award in Webster county. In the photo, John Bock, Blue Hill, vice chairman of the Webster SCD board, presents them with an aerial photo of their farm. The photo was first given to them at the Nebraska Convention of conservation districts at Omaha last fall but has been on display over the state since that time. The award was made Friday at the annual meeting of the SCD at Red Cloud. It is based on the amount of conservation used on the farm.
(Nebraska) Daily Tribune
March 6, 1959
This is the plate attached to the photo in the article above. You can view the 1958 Aerial Photo here.