Lee William Gibson was born this morning (December 26) at 9:23 AM. He weighed 8 lbs. even and was 20 in. long. Both mom and baby are doing well!
Amber said that she had noticed some contractions earlier last evening. Around one o’clock she woke me up to begin timing. By 2:30 they were less than five minutes apart, so Amber called the Dr. and they said to come in to the ER. We rounded some things up and got ready to head out, but I had to scoop a big drift of snow in front of the garage before we could leave. It was cold and blowing snow everywhere, but we were able to make it in safely.
Six hours later baby Lee arrived! We were both surprised it was a boy, but we’re thrilled he’s here! We came up with his name as a combination of our middle names (Amber Lee & Wade William). Amber’s side of the family has had the name Lee quite often, and William has been a longtime family name on the Gibson side.