Rob began hauling in dirt as a base for our driveway. We are getting some railroad rock delivered soon to help build a solid foundation as well.
The Only Thing for Certain is Change
It’s been a while since our last post, so we’ll try to catch everyone up to speed!
In January Amber applied for and accepted the Technology Coordinator position with Franklin Public Schools. This is a great opportunity for Amber and we’re excited that she will be able to spend more time with the boys over the summer months. This also allowed us to begin setting into motion a life plan that we have been thinking about for a number of years.
We have both wanted to raise our children in the country and have them go to a smaller school, much like our own upbringings. Amber’s new position allowed us to evaluate where we were at and where we wanted to be long-term. After a lot of soul searching we decided that one of the best things we could do is raise our boys on the same farm and ranch that Amber grew up on. This would afford them so many life experiences that they wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else and we’re confident this is the right decision for our family. We are thankful that Lee will be able to start preschool this fall at Silver Lake, which is where the boys will attend school.
When we talked over our plans with Rob & Diana they were thrilled at the thought of having all of their grandkids so close to home. They also generously agreed to give us a piece of ground to build a home upon, which we are tremendously thankful for. After scouting the Webster county countryside, we settled on a little slice of heaven which has been collectively referred to as Frentz’s (pronounced French’s), the namesake of the previous owner. This quarter section of ground (NE 1/4 2-2-12) has a nice mixture of rolling hillside pasture, wooded creek, and alfalfa fields. It will make for a beautiful home site.
Hopefully our updates will be more frequent as the building process continues. Stay posted!

John’s Birth Announcement
John Russell Gibson – b. 2013-10-29 07:26
Today we welcomed our second son, John Russell Gibson, to this world. He was born at 7:26 AM and weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 1/2 in. long.
John is a longtime family name on both the Gibson & Wilson sides. Wade’s grandfather is John A. Gibson, Jr., and his great-grandfather is John A. Gibson, Sr. Amber’s grandfather is Johnny Wilson and her great-great-grandfather is John C. Wilson. The middle name of Russell is from Amber’s grandfather, Russell Krichau.
Big brother Lee was excited to meet his new sibling. We can’t wait to see what kind of trouble these two will get into together!
Lee’s First Time Hunting
Lee got to go hunting for the first time today with Dad and Grandpa Boone. It was cool and windy, but he did great. We saw one doe and also put up a new treestand and changed the trail camera cards.