We have a floor! Either that or now the Webster county swimming pool has a floor. Either way, we’re glad to see it done!
Gettin’ Dirty
The guys came down today to start moving some dirt out from the walkout basement area. They know how to run these machines, so they made pretty quick work out of it and moved a lot of dirt. They also had a remote controlled “Wacker Packer” that they used to pack some of the fill dirt in various places. You could feel it vibrating the ground from twenty feet away.
Let it Rain?
In the last 20 days we have had over 5 inches of rain at our build site (5.20″ to be exact). I guess all a person needs to do is dig a hole in the ground and mother nature will make it her mission to fill it up! Here is a map of Nebraska showing cumulative rainfall totals for the past 30 days. We’re happy to get the moisture, but hope it will dry out long enough so we can get some more progress on the build.
We Have Mail
We put up our new mailbox this evening. After numerous calls with various post offices, we have finally established where we will receive mail from – Riverton, USA.
Our new home is apparently situated in the Bermuda Triangle of Webster County. Our mail will come from Riverton, we’re in the Red Cloud fire district, the boys will go to school in Bladen (elementary) and Roseland (high school), and the house is North of Inavale. Long story short, since the wonderful postal service will not alter their mail routes, we needed to place our mailbox on the existing route of the Riverton postal carrier. That means our mailbox is actually at the residence of Larry & Bonnie Vance, about 1.5 miles away. That puts a new spin on “running to go grab the mail.”
Anyhow, here’s what our new address is:
Wade & Amber Gibson
1275 Road 600
Inavale, NE 68952
And don’t try to find it on Google Maps, or you’ll be even more lost than after reading the previous paragraph (I have submitted the address to Google, so hopefully it will work someday!)
Bacfkill, Plumb, & Pump!
The drain tile was installed yesterday and most of the backfill was completed. The plumber also installed the rough-in plumbing for under the basement slab and the electrician got power ran to the basement. Unfortunately that same evening we got 2.50″ of rain, which made a real mess out of everything! Colt came down early this morning, then he and Rob used a transfer pump to get the water out of the basement so it will dry quicker. Unfortunately the pipes floated a bit, so they will need to be reset before the floor is poured.